Christmas Morning
4.30 Christmas Morning,
When most are normally sleeping.
Little girls and boys,
Are quite often found a peeking.
Trying not to wake their parents,
They excitedly scan the tree.
With little screams of joy,
As they shout – “for you, for me.”
Once again Christmas Morning,
When most are normally sleeping.
Some little girls and boys,
Are quite often found a weeping.
Trying not to wake their parents,
Whose lives are filled with toil.
And who thank the blessed Lord,
For the rice they have to boil.
For life is not the same,
For everyone on the earth.
So please let’s not lose sight,
Christmas is about a birth.
A birth of our dear Saviour,
A birth that brings us hope.
And when life is really bad,
He is the antidote.
From: Love, Loss, Life, Laughter