Curry Powder and Curry Paste (make to your desired taste)
1 small chopped Onion
1 teaspoon of Coconut Oil
Small amount of Water (to stop it sticking)
200 ml Coconut Milk
Around 3 heaped cups of Vegetables washed and prepared: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Green Beans and Peas
1 medium Raw Zucchini/Courgette
Cook the Curry Powder, Curry Paste, Onion, Coconut Oil and water for 2 – 3 minutes. Allow to cool
Cook the washed and prepared vegetables and allow half of it to cool
Liquidise the Curry paste mix and the cool half of Vegetables together with the Coconut Milk, (if you don’t want the Coconut Milk use water)
Liquidise to a smooth but thick consistency and re-heat.
With a spiralizer, make the raw Zucchini/Courgette noodles
Place the raw noodles in a large dish, add the remaining vegetables and the curry sauce and serve.
You could cook the noodles for a couple of minutes if you want to but they can easily go very soft.