First degree to masters

Reiki Tuition

Dr Amariyo’s Reiki journey started in Australia around 1996 where she completed the first two degrees. A couple of years later in Sedona Arizona, she met a Reiki Master and Shaman who took her through her Reiki Master tuition and attunement. Several years later, on return to the UK, she decided to be re-attuned by a Reiki Master in the UK as she felt some students would feel more comfortable knowing that their Reiki Master had been taught here in England. Healing has been an integral part of her life since she was a teenager, following in the footsteps of her late grandmother who was also a healer. Dr Amariyo is currently a member of The Reiki Association.

One on One Tuition with Kenzo


What Exactly Is Reiki and How Does It Work?

Reiki is best known in the west as a gentle but powerful system of hands-on energy healing. (Hands are often hovered over a person rather than making actual contact). It can easily be learned by anyone to heal themselves, others, plants and animals…..but it is so much more.

Reiki helps a person discover their true purpose in life, it dynamically aids in the production and achievement of all goals, it heals past traumas which may be hindering growth, it is a way of discovering your true spiritual path, and leads, ultimately, to contentment and spiritual enlightenment.

In addition to the direct healing effect of the Reiki energy by clearing energy blocks, Reiki energy gently opens us to the magic of our real selves, our higher selves.

Reiki helps encourage us to give our body’s permission to heal and the extra energy we need to boost that process.

Reiki energy is also extremely good at getting behind the symptoms, finding and tackling the true causes behind problems, whether emotionally or physically based, and helps us to look at life in a different way.

Many illnesses are in some way brought to us by ourselves. In our human lives and world, we face many problems and many different situations each and every day; each of those situations usually has a range of ways it can be dealt with. If we choose to get frustrated, angry or negative, we do not in any way help the original situation – all we do is make ourselves ill and those around us miserable.

We know that stress can be a large contributory factor in headaches and migraines, as well as with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, angina, chest pains, neck and back ache, sleep problems, stomach ulcers, IBS, asthma, depression and anxiety etc, etc. Reiki helps the human us to stand back and stay calm while our higher self gets to work on seeing the fuller picture and how best to deal with it. In short, when as humans in a human world, we begin to feel swamped or when things show signs of blowing up out of all proportion, Reiki helps bring our power back to us, putting us back in control.

Drawing the Reiki energy through us brings calm and peace, enabling us to see a fuller, clearer picture; putting things back into perspective, linking us with the pure, limitless, Divine energies of Love, Healing and Peace. My Reiki lineage leading back to the original Master, Mikao Usui has been verified and certified through The Reiki Association.

If you feel drawn or called to learn to be a Reiki Practitioner with me, please read the following information and sign up to secure your place, and together we can get you on your healing path.


Please Note:

  • This course is an on-line course.
  • All tuition is offered as one-on-one with Dr Amariyo.
  • Once you have paid for your first tuition (Reiki 1) via the PayPal button, you will need to click on the ‘Return to Seller’ link in order to be directed to the 1st training manual. You may download the manual for your own use, but please do not share it with other people, unless I have trained you as a Master, in which case you can share the manual with your students. Reiki is considered a sacred system and I feel that it needs to stay that way.
  • You will have enough study time to read the manual a couple of times so that you get to grips with it and I will be available via email and g-mail chat to answer any questions or concerns. Face to face meetings can be arranged for those able to travel to Seaton in Devon.
  • All attunements will be done remotely, you will be given a time where you can set yourself aside to assist this process.
  • All hands on Reiki training sessions will be done virtually so you will need to have at least five clients to practice on and you will need written consent for any sessions. More information will be given in your welcome email.
  • This course is not for those who just want to do the Master course, to sign up with me to do the Master course all students must progress with me from the First Degree Reiki, to the Third Degree Reiki, whether they have done it before or not. We all teach differently and impart different things, I want to make sure that you are the best you can be, after-all, how good you are as a Reiki practitioner is partly dependant on how good I am at instructing you. The Reiki Master course is not for everyone, if I do not feel you are ready for this, I will not teach it to you, so all students must discuss this with me prior to signing up.
  • All fees are strictly non-refundable. 
  • You have signed up for the course when you pay for your tuition, and paying for your tuition is your acceptance of these terms and your acknowledgement that all fees are non-refundable.
  • There are limited spaces available and there always will be as I do not take on many students at once. Search your heart and follow your intuition.



Next Intake: Currently Not Available